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Programs & Services

For fathers, prospective fathers, and men of all ages! Workshops and seminars that will accomplish the following:

-Character Development

-Job Readiness Training

-Team Building Workshops

-Conflict Resolution Programming

-Anger Management Courses

- Parental Development Courses

Other Rize Up! workshops include:


1. Repairing the Breach between parents: How to Co-Parent

2. Rebuilding Trust- Discovering the Root to Mistrust

3. Mutual Mission for the child- A Common and Fruitful vision for children

4. Taking Baby Steps- The Process of Becoming a Successful Co-Parent

5. Teaching what it means to be a Man- Manhood 101

6. Letting go of the Past- Forgiveness

7. Create Positive Ways to Interact- Effective Communication

8. Changing Family Dynamics- Restoring Family Unity

9. From Healing to Wholeness- Healing from Effects of a Broken Home

10. Building Respect- Building a Respectful Family Foundation




Fatherless children in the United States of America are at risk. Far too many fatherless children end up incarcerated spawning additional fatherless children. RIZE UP!, takes a two-pronged approach to this challenge. Working with young men to provide tools and support to change the trajectory of their lives. RIZE UP! endeavors to meet those recently released to assist with healing, employment, and family reunification.


There is no question that children who grow up in fatherless homes have a much greater risk of facing major challenges than their counterparts who have present fathers. Society may want to believe otherwise - and sometimes political influence causes us to want to think otherwise, but the truth is in the data. These statistics are alarming and should give any father a burden for change. With the high rate of incarceration among African American males, which extends generationally, it comes as no surprise that many of our men are becoming fathers, and concurrently breeding fatherless children.


INCARCERATION RATES: "Young men who grow up in homes without fathers are twice as likely to end up in jail as those who come from traditional two-parent families...those boys whose fathers were absent from the household had double the odds of being incarcerated -- even when other factors such as race, income, parent education, and urban residence were held constant." (Cynthia Harper of the University of Pennsylvania and Sara S.)


SUICIDE: 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do to Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities?)


BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS: 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do to Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities?)


HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUTS: 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes (Source: What Can the Federal Government Do to Decrease Crime and Revitalize Communities? -)


EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Kids living in single-parent homes or in step-families report lower educational expectations on the part of their parents, less parental monitoring of school work, and less overall social supervision than children from intact families


Join us in helping these men overcome adversities

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